This is the beginning of the
third trimester of pregnancy when you are gaining around 500 g to one pound of weight per week and roughly half of the weight goes straight to your baby. In fact the baby gains around 1/3rd to ½ of the birth weight in the next seven weeks. The baby will now be fattening up for survival outside the womb. The fatty deposit make him plumper and healthier looking. You need to eat well for the rest of the pregnancy and even if you eat small amounts do eat a varied diet rich in vegetables and fruits to help to further develop your baby’s immune system. Heartburn and indigestion can increase so you can eat healthy snacks in between meals or drink a glass of milk at bedtime if hungry. You need to cut down on junk food and caffeinated drinks even if you are tempted to do so. Many expectant women tend to develop bleeding gums or cavities at this stage due to hormonal changes and shift in blood pressure. Your eating patterns also affect the teeth hence one needs to clean teeth regularly by brushing and flossing and visiting the dentist at least once during pregnancy. Snacking on cheese and vegetable crudits with dips or salsa are also good for the teeth as they increase the calcium intake as well. Vitamin C is also vital for healthy teeth so snacking on strawberries or a portion of steamed broccoli is a good idea.
Baby’s Development
The baby weighs around 5 pounds and is approximately 15 to 17 inches in length by now. Fat layers continue to get deposited under the baby’s skin and the bones of the baby harden except for the skull. The skull needs to be soft and flexible for the delivery. The pressure on the head during child birth is so strong that many times babies are born with a cone head like appearance. These bones don’t fuse until early adulthood and so they grow as the brain and other tissues expand during infancy and childhood. The lungs are nearly mature now but the baby would still need to stay in an incubator if born now. The baby is a little weak though fully formed with the same proportions as he will have after birth. If you have triplets they are normally born in the 33rd week of pregnancy. This is a time when it becomes more likely for the baby to settle in a particular position in the uterus. Most of the babies are cephalic that is in a head down position but if the baby has not descended to this position as yet there is still time for you to change the position. You can find out exercises which can help you in turning the baby’s position to a normal one which can help in giving birth normally. Yoga is an effective
pregnancy exercise to build flexibility however is careful if you are starting yoga at this stage and have never done yoga before.
Changes with your body
The top of the uterus is more than 5 inches from your belly button and the total weight gain during this period should be between 22 to 28 pounds. You will be wondering at this stage whether you will be able to tell when your water breaks and only 1 out of 10 women experience a sudden gush of the amniotic fluid which happens mostly at home in bed. The amniotic sac can break or leak before any indication of labor in some cases. This is indicated by a small trickle and can be confused by the leakage of urine which is common due to the pressure on the bladder. Kegels exercise needs to be practiced to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and a good nutrition is a necessity as healthy skin stretches more easily during pregnancy. You might experience some pain and numbness in the fingers, hands and wrists. If you work with repetitive hand movements remember to stretch your hands at intervals to avoid dull ache or tingling numbness. The baby should be moving frequently however every baby has its own pattern of activity in the stomach. For an added sense of security you can keep track of your baby’s kicks with different methods. Normally you should feel about 10 movements within two hours but you should know the sleeping and waking pattern of your baby before counting the movements.
What to expect
With the growing weight of the body you can expect difficulties in sleeping, walking and sitting. You can wear loose comfortable clothes and stitch a few maternity clothes which will be useful later as well. While sleeping, you can place pillows on the side of the body or under your feet to lift them if you experience cramps due to the increasing weight. Frequent urination can be increasingly common now due to the increased pressure on the bladder and this can disturb your sleep pattern at night. Avoid sleeping on your back now as this can reduce the circulation of blood to the baby. The best position of sleeping would be turning on the left side as this will be beneficial to you as well as the baby. Do your best to find a comfortable sleep position and get as much sleep as possible while the baby is inside because once the baby comes you will have plenty of late night waking up to do. Insomnia is a common problem which can be overcome with diet and relaxation techniques. Foot and leg cramps can add to the discomfort. Try to continue moderate exercise like walking or strolling daily and increase the calcium intake by drinking more milk or taking supplements. If you feel rhythmic movements across the belly do not panic as the baby might just be hiccupping. If your baby is in a breech position right now there is still a good chance of the baby turning its position in the coming weeks and the doctor might start monitoring you from this stage to check for a change in the baby’s position.